Navigate your wellbeing journey with joy
By building your wellbeing blueprint in 3 steps
Learn more
What is my innate nature?
Get to know your innate qualities and natural capacities
How well aligned is my life?
Get a comprehensive view of your life context
What do I need to do?
Get to know your enhanced life routines and relevant wellbeing products, courses and experiences
Leela Life Hyper-personalized wellbeing plans
Get your wellbeing blueprint
स्वधर्मे निधनं श्रेयः
Swadharme Nidhanam Shreyah
In one's own innate nature, lies the treasure of excellence
Joy begins with understanding the masterpiece that is YOU
Get a personalized dossier detailing out your innate qualities & natural capacities
Detailed wellbeing assessment that is analyzed by authentic Indian experts
Combines the wisdom of ancient Indian principles of Five Elements, Cosmic Influence and Human Energy centres
True Joy embraces the mind, body, and soul in harmony
Build a personalized wellbeing blueprint across five pillars of holistic wellbeing
Flourish your innate qualities that aren't coming in to play by enhancing and modifying your life routines
Get recommendations from a curated set of products, courses and experiences - online and in-person to help build you these routines
Empower your joy journey with a human touch
Connect with your Leela Life guide, navigating you on your joy journey
Conversations every month with a empathetic and enlightened friend, your Leela Life guide
Dedicated concierge desk to take care of scheduling and tracking your progress
A custom, comprehensive approach to practical routines for your life
Get your holistic wellbeing blueprint for $199
Schedule a conversation with your Leela Life Guide and get started
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